Thursday, February 24, 2011

coupon coupon i got a coupon

so i've jumped on the coupon bandwagon and am really starting to "get" it!  it's been a few months now since i've started and i'm just now at the point where i am saving a good bit of money with it. : D

i am SO excited about my trip this morning!!  i went to publix (their sale is a GREAT one this week) and spent a WHOPPING $1.83!!!  which really saved me since it's the end of the month and i'm always low on cash at the end of the month.

i bought
19 boxes of pasta
18 cans of veggies
2 bags of frozen veggies
2 bags of rice
1 bag of sugar
1 box of meds

i bought mostly what was on sale (saving $28.90 off of the retail price)
i used  coupons which totaled $34.80 (mostly printed from the internet, a few from the sunday paper)

i saved $63.70!  i am really starting to just love couponing!!!

my all time favorite website is and she does ALL the work for me - coupon matchups, sale ads, deal alerts...everything.

you ALL should give couponing a try!!! it will take a few months to really get the hang of it and be able to buy only the sale items...but it is definitely worth it. :)

YAY for saving my pennies and watching them add up.



our eben is full of imagination and laughter. he loves to pretend, play games, and make everyone laugh. he is so much like his daddy - with just a bit of his mommy!


our little marie is little miss independant! she loves snuggling up with mommy, playing dressup, and being mommy to her babydolls. she is the color in my rainbow!

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