Friday, December 11, 2009

friday funnies

driving in the atlanta traffic and someone cut in front of me.

eben: mommy! that car just cut in line! that's mean! you should honk your horn.

then he proceeds to knock on his window and say "you shouldn't do that to my mommy!"



emily jane (out of the blue): mommy! you're not an egg! i thought you were an egg, but you're my mommy!


Saturday, December 5, 2009

friday funnies...on saturday

emily jane was wearing pajamas with a cupcake on them

rhett: emily jane, you're daddy's little cupcake.

emily jane (rather indignant): i'm not a cupcake!

rhett: why not? you have a cupcake on your shirt!

emily jane: you can't lick me!


emily jane was mumbling to herself

me: emily jane, what are you talking about?

emily jane: i have no idea what i'm talking about!


marie speaks spanish ;)

whenever you ask her if she wants something, instead of saying yes or uh huh or nodding or anything else, she smiles and says "si!"


on the way to preschool one morning...

me: look at the horses! good morning horses!

emily jane: how 'bout that mommy!



playing with grandpa

eben: grandpa, me and emily jane are the good guys and you are the bad guy,

grandpa: i'm the bad guy?! why am i the bad guy?

eben: cuz we have hoods. and good guys have hoods. and you don't have a hood.

and there you have it - the logic blows my mind! HA :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

colonel cobb's corn maze and pumpkin patch

so today we had a field trip to the pumpkin patch. it was quite fun! perfect weather for it! slightly overcast, wonderful 60 degrees, slight breeze. just perfect. we walked the corn maze, took a hay ride, played in their play area including a huge slide, a bouncy house, a playground, a chicken feed silo, a hay bale maze, a petting zoo, and so forth! the kids had a blast. and i came home and took a nap! HA!

entering the corn maze - the kids have the maps. ;)

enjoying the hayride - notice marie's noze...she had a run in with the carpet and lost...first rugburn. :(

fall family photo

i love fall

i love fall weather! i love fall activities! i love fall food! i love fall! here's what we've done so far... :)

Making pirate and princess pumpkins

a visit from grandpa davis (whose house we stayed at in florida). four generations. :)

an october birthday bash! emily jane's and angela's and chris' birthdays are all in october! (there's more on the carson side as well but i didn't brings my camera to that party! oops!) we saw chris and ashely's new house - WOW it was beautiful! i'm so incredibly happy for them and maybe a tad jealous. ;D

my whole entire family! everyone! in one place! this never happens - well at least not often enough. starting in the the back left! mom holding marie, me, rhett holding eben, chris (michelle's fiance) holding emily jane, michelle, chris, ashley (front row) dad, becca, angela, john. WHEW! we were only missing john's significant other laura - perhaps the next family photo will have her in it! ;) hehe

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

the beach the beach the wonderful beach!

our vacation was a wonderful week of perfect weather and blissful relaxation! i want to go back today!!!! the kids loved the beach - the sand, the water, the animals, everything! rhett and i loved watching them play and enjoying it with them.

some highlights:

marie sticking her finger into and tasting the sand. over and over again.

the first time emily jane saw the beach and the sand: "mommy! look at all this...this...snow!!! it's everywhere!! there's so much snow!"

eben: "momma!! i just petted a glass fish! it came right up to me! it wasn't fake or dead - it swam right up to me and i touched it and it swam away! a real glass fish!"

marie pointing and yelling at the waves whenever they would come to "get" her.


and then she was three

my beautiful emily jane is now three - we've had quite a few parties and still one more to come! she's quite the three year old - chatting on and on about everything and nothing! she has a shorter big girl hair cut (which i'm not quite sure how i feel about it!) and is turning into such a big helper. i just love my 3 year old daughter!

my failing attempt at a princess castle birthday cake...

singing happy birthday and her rambling on about a present that i had no idea she wanted?!

getting her barbie jeep (thank you pastor john for this wonderful hand me down!)

playing with her presents

her very first french braids for her birthday at school

the morning of her actual birthday - looks quite happy in her birthday cake shirt :)

her party at chuck e cheese - they had SO much fun! emily jane loved the rides while eben loved the games - he's doing his victory dance at getting the jackpot of tickets. :) hee hee - and marie just loved watching everyone there.

popcorn and movie night

here's one of our first friday night movie and popcorn nights...i forget which movie we were watching...but you can see marie isn't into movies just yet. :)

Friday, September 25, 2009

friday funnies

eben: mom! look what i did!! (in a super cocky voice) "i'm so goooood."


emily jane: eben, shoot me!

eben: ok. here ya go. pow!

(emily jane falls down "dead". then takes a drink from her cup)

eben: emily jane! you can't drink when you're dead! you have to wait until you're alive again!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

wordless wednesday

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

wordless wednesday

our first day of school!

so in order to pay for my new car...i am teaching preschool this year...the 3 year class 4 days a week. i tried to teach kindergarten on tuesday and i'm SO not teaching kindergartners! but wednesday went MUCH better. my class is wonderful and it should be a fun year!

here's a couple pics of the kids the morning of the first day - they were quite excited! and marie wouldn't stand still to save her life...but that's actually pretty normal for her!


its s 2009 mazda mazda5...the color is galaxy gray...has seating for 6...power everything (except seats and doors)...even has climate control...gets over 27 mpg...and I LOVE IT! i've never had a new car before, so its quite exciting!! hooray for me!!! we're going to take it on a road in october down to my grandpa's house for our real family vacation...i'm excited!


so for our mini end of summer vacation, we took the kids to the zoo (which i forgot my camera in the car OOPS!) and then took ourselves to the nascar race in atlanta! it was SO much fun...we just might make that an annual thing. :) it was louder than i thought - hence the nice ear muffs in our pictures, and the people who attend races (which i guess now includes us?) our heh...part of the fun was watching those die hard race fans consume their beverages. ;)

gearing up to go...testing out the racing equipment the night before the race

eben also tested out rhett's racing equipment (he was listening to Yo Gabba Gabba) incredibly priceless!! he couldn't hear a thing we were saying!

here with my hubby! how exciting!

dad and rhett - gordan vs. johnson - let's see who wins!

boogity! boogity! boogity!!!

listening to the broadcast so we know what's going on...and saving our hearing!

it was so loud!!!!!!

car wash...workin' at the car wash...

this was the kids' first car wash...and they had a BLAST! rhett said eben's favorite part was spraying his sister and watching her scream...i don't think that ever gets old for big brothers!! marie and i hung out inside and washed the windows...or at least i washed the windows. ;)


our eben is full of imagination and laughter. he loves to pretend, play games, and make everyone laugh. he is so much like his daddy - with just a bit of his mommy!


our little marie is little miss independant! she loves snuggling up with mommy, playing dressup, and being mommy to her babydolls. she is the color in my rainbow!

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